Ephesians 4 - Beautiful Unity
Ephesians 4:4-7
“There is ONE body and ONE Spirit, just as also you were called in ONE hope of your calling; ONE Lord, ONE faith, ONE baptism, ONE God and Father of ALL who is over ALL and through ALL and in ALL. But to each ONE of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift.”
Here in the middle of this letter shared among several churches and now shared down through the ages, we see a beautiful accounting of our unity in Christ. In verse 3 we are called to keep the unity among the brethren in the bind of peace and here we are given a more than sufficient rationale. Each time I read through this passage, I am thrilled all over again to be solidly connected with the saints of all times, the saints from all around the world, and the dear ones we love and worship with regularly. We are all ONE in Christ. ONE in whom we have placed our faith. ONE in where our purpose, forgiveness and eternal life is found. ONE in, as the end of this passage completes, the great truth that each ONE of us has received great grace from the Lord on high.
In all these ONE’s, we have no real excuse not to find unity with one another. Above this, with all these, we can rejoice together so that our focus is selflessly on the greatness and graciousness of the Lord, bringing a meaning and deep bond with one another.
May He be honored in each of our lives and in how we reflect His grace into one another’s lives. “There is one body and one Spirit …”
“There is ONE body and ONE Spirit, just as also you were called in ONE hope of your calling; ONE Lord, ONE faith, ONE baptism, ONE God and Father of ALL who is over ALL and through ALL and in ALL. But to each ONE of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift.”
Here in the middle of this letter shared among several churches and now shared down through the ages, we see a beautiful accounting of our unity in Christ. In verse 3 we are called to keep the unity among the brethren in the bind of peace and here we are given a more than sufficient rationale. Each time I read through this passage, I am thrilled all over again to be solidly connected with the saints of all times, the saints from all around the world, and the dear ones we love and worship with regularly. We are all ONE in Christ. ONE in whom we have placed our faith. ONE in where our purpose, forgiveness and eternal life is found. ONE in, as the end of this passage completes, the great truth that each ONE of us has received great grace from the Lord on high.
In all these ONE’s, we have no real excuse not to find unity with one another. Above this, with all these, we can rejoice together so that our focus is selflessly on the greatness and graciousness of the Lord, bringing a meaning and deep bond with one another.
May He be honored in each of our lives and in how we reflect His grace into one another’s lives. “There is one body and one Spirit …”
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