National Day of Prayer

Allow me to encourage you to participate in today’s emphasis on the much needed prayer for our nation.  We have a whole variety of attitudes about the direction, divisions, and declarations we see every day.  Emotions have seemed to rule the majority of the responses, which is typically a dangerous situation.  

Today, why don’t we make the decision to put aside our posts (as I’m posting) and outbursts and redirect them vertically, and as we do, allow me to encourage you in a few ways …

BE OPEN before the Lord.  If you are frustrated or angry or disappointed or … tell Him.  He can handle it.   The Lord who walked with the grumbling masses throughout the Exodus and “so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son” is not left slack-jaw at your dismay about some current political crisis, your anger with a courtroom outcome, or your ill-feelings about an opponent’s agenda.  Let Him know about it.  He is SO big, in fact, that He can impact those things and those people, and your heart and mind, too.

PRAY SINCERELY for our Leaders.  Whether you agree with them or not, pray for them.  Pray for the Lord to draw close to them, to give them wisdom.  Pray for a cooperation toward good, because we would know that this is a work of God; and for a strength to stand against wrong.

PRAY ABOUT PARTICULAR areas of offense before the Lord.  Acknowledge where WE as a people have gone awry.   Confess OUR wrong before the righteous and holy God.   WE are a prideful, selfish, murderous, adulterous, … people.

PRAY FOR SPIRITUAL LIFE and vibrancy.   Start local and grow wider.   Um … by local, “Lord, give me a pure heart for You.  Help me live such a vibrant life for you that it may impact those you give me to love.”  Now we might be in a good place to pray with and for our family, neighbors, friends, church family, and other life connections.   We will also have a better mindset to pray for the Gospel to dramatically impact our city, state, and yes, our nation.   That’s the real focus of a National Day of Prayer.   God, reach the children; the teens; the college students and young adults; the workers, professionals, and politicians; the dear older ones; and anyone else in between of our land with Your gracious Gospel message.

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