Our Ministry Team feels privileged to serve the Lord and our church family together.
Meet the team.
“For you know how, like a father with his children, we exhorted each one of you and encouraged you and charged you to walk in a manner worthy of God, who calls you into His kingdom and glory.”
1 Thessalonians 2:11-12
1 Thessalonians 2:11-12

Dan HAyden
Pastor Dan has served faithfully as Pastor since 2000 with varying associate roles previously. An authentic faith has been his focus in life and ministry. This genuineness comes through clearly in his teaching, leading, and care for others.

Antonio dominguez
Pastor of Latino Ministries
Pastor Antonio came to us by way of Cuba, but definitely from the Lord. As our English Classes were growing the Lord brought us a “man after His own heart.” What a blessing it is as we serve together with … dos lenguas, pero una iglesia.

Andy ferguson
Children’s Pastor
Andy was serving the Lord faithfully before there was ever a role for him. Now we get to combine his dogged desire to serve the Lord with his passion to reach out to children in God’s love. Sharing the Gospel at different age levels and helping kiddos grow in their understanding of God’s Word are what bring him great joy.

Cy hayden
Youth Pastor
Cy grew up here and knows the life of ministry … and he still wants to be here! His desire to impact lives comes shining through in his willingness to go the extra mile in a whole variety of ways. Cy connects with students with care, in encouragement, and with a clear spiritual foundation and focus.

Steve hoy
Worship Leader
Steve has served for over a decade with a sincere desire to worship the Lord. After performing as a solo artist, we were very blessed to have him join in ministry here. His talent is undeniable, but is clearly secondary to his godly character, which has enabled his longevity in leading the church family in worship.

Dr. Donald willis
Pastor Emeritus
Pastor Willis has the unique history of having served as Pastor to both pre-merged churches (Joy Baptist & North Suburban Baptist) before service as Co-Pastor of CrossBridge before retiring. He continues to serve, to love, to share, to shepherd graciously; honoring His Lord who he loves dearly.