Join us this Sunday at 10:30 AM for our Sunday Morning Worship.
Sharing the message of the Scriptures is at the heart of everything we do at CrossBridge. Pastor Dan and our other speakers seek to communicate clearly and practically with a genuine love for people. This video link gives you easy access to last week’s message and the button below allows to peruse all our past services.
....Together in ChRist

As we have all grown to see more and more over the last few years, gathering as a church community of believers regularly is of high value and very beneficial.

Psalm 1 compares a growing person to a “tree planted by rivers of waters” that is growing strong and healthy nourished by taking in the truths of the Word of God.

An open expectation for each member of our church family is involvement in selfless, spiritual service. We include the “3” in the word as the recommended baseline.

Recognizing with gratitude how great the love & grace is God has offered freely to all, we want to respond; sharing both from our lives and His Gospel of eternal life.